Caris Madsen, founder of Canadian charity One Plane Away

Caris Madsen
Founder, Board Treasurer

Caris Madsen is the founder of One Plane Away. When she was 15 years old she saw the need to support girls in Iqaluit requiring supplies for their babies. When Caris traveled to visit her grandmother in Ontario, she would buy baby clothing at secondhand stores and then distribute them to the mothers in Iqaluit when she returned. This was due to the lack of availability and the high costs of getting supplies to Nunavut. Most communities do not have diapers, baby clothes, and baby formula consistently in their store. 

Caris became more aware of the significant lack of baby supplies throughout Nunavut and quickly expanded One Plane Away to be able to send care boxes to families across Nunavut. Caris is now living in Thunder Bay, ON, has graduated with a Biology degree from Lakehead University and is currently studying Nursing at Lakehead. Caris hopes to return to the North once all of her studies are completed. Caris is an avid crafter, loving to sew, knit and crochet - especially little baby hats and blankets that she can give back to One Plane Away.