Headshot of Chelsea Britton

Chelsea Britton
Board Vice President

Chelsea brings a unique blend of passion and experience to the table. Having lived in Nunavut, she is acutely aware of the challenges mothers face while raising their children. Chelsea resided in Kinngait (Cape Dorset), Iqaluit, and until Fall of 2024 in Resolute Bay. She became involved with One Plane Away through her membership in Northern Beginnings. It all began when, shortly after relocating to Iqaluit, she came across a post on the NB Facebook page seeking virtual volunteers for One Plane Away. Embracing the opportunity, she eagerly joined as a volunteer, contributing to various aspects of One Plane Away. Engaging with families and witnessing the beautiful photos shared became the highlight of her experience—a true labor of love.

During the day, Chelsea proudly serves as a police officer, dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community. Originally hailing from Alberta, she has called many provinces home.

An ardent animal lover, volunteering is not merely a pastime but a fundamental part of Chelsea’s life, as she strives to make a positive impact wherever she goes. Above all, she is a mother, compelled by a profound desire to build a better future for all children - including her own daughters, Grace, who is four, and Meredith, who is almost one.
“Let us come together to make a difference, spreading love, hope, and kindness to every child in Nunavut and beyond.” - Chelsea Britton