Headshot of Erin MacLeod

Erin McLeod
Board Secretary

Erin McLeod has spent her life on the west coast of BC, moving as a baby from Manitoba. Her childhood was spent on Bowen Island, a small island outside of Vancouver, and her adulthood has been in North Vancouver. A devoted aunt to three almost now adult nephews, she has enjoyed being a close part of their upbringing. 

Erin has always had an interest in Canada’s North, with plans to hopefully visit someday. Erin found One Plane Away via TikTok back in January 2022 and was eager to help.

As of January 2024, she has sent over 100 donation boxes to One Plane Away. Erin enjoys the hunt of finding deals, couponing and getting donations from community members to help support One Plane Away. 

Her passion is photography, which includes a  degree, while being a Dental Technician pays the bills. Erin is often found hanging out with family, enjoys hockey and has a great love of animals.