Northern Beginnings – a community of support

A mother and baby in Nunavut

Photo: Northern Beginnings Facebook group

The Northern Beginnings Facebook group has been a strong supporter of One Plane Away.

Northern Beginnings was started by Kelly McQuade when she lived in and worked in Nunavut. Kelly saw first-hand the challenges new moms faced in the Arctic where baby supplies are very costly and difficult to obtain. Through her hard work and commitment, Northern Beginnings has grown to over 800 members.

Kelly moved away from Nunavut before she could fully operationalize Northern Beginnings; she then asked One Plane Away to continue the group’s work. The many committed members of Northern Beginnings have helped One Plane Away distribute over 1500 baby boxes in Nunavut. One Plane Away will always be grateful for Kelly's commitment to make a difference for the moms and babies in Nunavut.

A mother and baby in Nunavut

Photo: Northern Beginnings Facebook group


One Plane Away Delivers the Goods


Pond Inlet